30 mars 2018
Dans la langue de Shakespeare, un échantillon des commentaires Tuteurs reçus avec les évaluations stage de 1er mois :
- « Charlotte is working for us in Canada just for a few months. During that brief period she already showed exceptional ability to adapt and learn fast. She is hard working and initiative professional. Overall as her supervisor I cannot say anything but thank you for providing us candidates like Charlotte ».
- « Thomas is an excellent intern. His English is very good and he has a wonderful personality. Thomas is working very hard on the project and he works very well with his colleagues. We are very happy with his progress sor far ».
- « Océane is a very pleasant person to work with. She is very very well organised and has great skills of understanding. I am very happy to have her in our team ».
- « Txomin is doing very well so far. He has a good attitude at work, always willing to learn more ».
- « Manon has performed very well so far with us. She is very eager to learn and very motivated to do well. She has applied herself well to all tasks given to her and completed them to a very high standard, She gets on very well with the team and has a very positive attitude. She remains calm under pressure and is very adaptive to change, Manon is extremely capable. She grasps things quicky and works independently to complete a task or project. I have never had to remind her to do something twice. She also asks if she can help with something if she has nothing to do. Her language skills are good and getting better. She is communicative, gets on well with the team and the students and has adapted well to strange IT systems and protocols ».
- « Paul is a very diligent student and works well with the team. He is taking the internship seriously, takes an intelligent approach to his work is always very punctual and appears to be enjoying his stay in the UK. We are very happy with his progress. »
- « Tehexa is very motivated and eager to learn. It’s a pleasure working wth her. She is always coming on time ans always smiling ».
- « Louison is eager to please and learn. Always enthusiastic and curious about the business environment and the challenges of the company. Louison is fluent with social media supports and other computer based marketing tools. Processing and analysing sales reports are well understood but could still be improved with more attention to details and crossed analysis, a very good start and not expecting any difficulties ».
- « Michaël is an extremely hard working and diligen person. He is always puntual and corteous. He works in our inwards good section. He receives stock, checks it and prices it. He also merchandises the stock on the shop floor. He excels in all the job he does ».
- ‘Claire is a fast learner and she was able to jump in very quickly. She showed a lot of initiative in wanting to learn and completed all of the tasks we gave her in a timely manner. She proved to be a reliable intern. She should work more on her ability to communicate ideas and initiatives ».
- « Tiffani is a very friendly and nice student who is ocvercoming the challenges of working in a new environment with a foreign language slowly but steadily. She knows where her weaknesses are and is working on improving those »,